woman sitting on steps smiling with a phone
woman sitting on steps smiling with a phone

I’m proud to introduce the new Two Dog Strategies! 

If this is your first time, allow me to share my story…

After almost a decade working for agencies and in-house for both for-profit and nonprofit organizations, I made the decision to leave my 9-5 to pursue Two Dog Strategies full time as a digital marketing strategist and consultant.

Despite launching my business just months before COVID shutdowns, God provided amazing opportunities for my first contracts and continued to bless existing client relationships built years prior. While the world changed before our eyes, the focus on and importance of digital relationship-building and online communication was amplified tenfold. As many businesses reassessed their marketing plans in light of these changes, I was fortunate to be positioned well to step in and guide several clients through the transition.

As life has finally gotten back to normal (knocking on wood as I type this!), the digital space continues to be at the forefront of many marketing initiatives and an integral part of organizations’ business strategies. 

When I made the decision to step out on my own, my primary goals were professional growth, a healthy relationship with my clients, and delivering results for the brands I worked with. This move has been the most challenging and rewarding part of my career, and I’m lucky to say I’ve never had reason to look back.

Now three years since my business’s start, those initial goals have remained the same, but now with one exciting addition… growth and expansion for Two Dog Strategies as a business. Committed to the same level of excellence and client relationship building, I am bringing on a team of coordinators, copy writers, and designers to deliver even more successes. With this new chapter has come a much-needed rebrand and the opportunity to more clearly define who Two Dog Strategies is – our mission, values, and what we want for clients.

I’ve been incredibly lucky to continue to love what I do and who I get to do it for, and look forward to empowering others, both as a part of my team and the broader community of marketers!

Welcome to the New Two Dog Strategies